CATTLE DECAPITATION Release Official Video For "Bring Back The Plague"

April 2, 2020, 4 years ago

news cattle decapitation heavy metal

CATTLE DECAPITATION Release Official Video For "Bring Back The Plague"

After releasing their latest record, Death Atlas, last year to critical acclaim, Cattle Decapitation are now launching a video for one of the album tracks, "Bring Back The Plague". Watch the clip below.

Cattle Decapitation's Travis Ryan (vocals) comments: "With the cancellation of our ironically titled Europandemic Tour and social distancing recommendations set in place, we found ourselves with not much to do. So we figured why not address the elephant in the room in the form of a music video for 'Bring Back The Plague' and just film it on our mobile phones instead of with an actual crew. Dave didn't even have access to a drum kit and nobody is leaving their houses anyways, so we decided to lighten the mood with a video. Everything from the band name to the lyrics to the merchandise to the imagery have always been heavily steeped in metaphors and irony always with tongue firmly in cheek, so this new video by David Hall at Uneasy Sleeper may just be our coup de gras… for better, or for worse. Just don't take it too seriously; we obviously didn't. After all it is April Fool's Day, so sit back, have a laugh if you can and stay the fuck home."


Cattle Decapitation have never shied away from confronting the awfulness wrought upon the natural world by the human race, and Death Atlas is their bleakest offering to date. The cover art says it all: a stooped, skeletal Grim Reaper carrying the burnt-out husk of our planet on his back.

"The core concept of this record is humanity's insignificance despite what we've convinced ourselves," explains vocalist Travis Ryan. "That's kind of why this album cover takes place in space, to remind you that 'the universe always finds a way to purge'. In the grand scheme of things, our species is merely a fleeting thought."

This imagery is backed up with a ferocious soundtrack, which includes elements of death metal, grindcore, black metal, sludge, doom, drone - with Ryan's vocals broader and more fully realized than ever before.

Produced once again by Dave Otero (, Death Atlas also features a number of guests: Laure Le Prunenec (Igorrr, Ricinn), Riccardo Conforti (Void of Silence), Dis Pater (Midnight Odyssey), Jon Fishman (Phish) - plus, brass instrumentalists from Ottone Pesante. The end result of these experimentations and collaborations is one of the most devastating records of 2019, and it demands an emotional response.

Death Atlas tracklisting:

"Anthropogenic: End Transmission"
"The Geocide"
"Be Still Our Bleeding Hearts"
"The Great Dying"
"One Day Closer To The End Of The World"
"Bring Back The Plague"
"Absolute Destitute"
"The Great Dying II"
"Finish Them"
"With All Disrespect"
"Time's Cruel Curtain"
"The Unerasable Past"
"Death Atlas"

Album stream:

"The Unerasable Past" A Short Film by Wes Benscoter (featuring Death Atlas album tracks "The Unerasable Past" and "Death Atlas"):

Cattle Decapitation lineup:

Travis Ryan - vocals
Josh Elmore - guitars
Dave McGraw - drums
Belisario Dimuzio - guitars
Olivier Pinard - bass

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