CRYTAL VIPER's MARTA GABRIEL Performs A Star Is Born Hit "Shallow" With RIOT V Vocalist TODD MICHAEL HALL In Support Of Suicide Prevention; Official Video

October 9, 2019, 5 years ago

news heavy metal marta gabriel todd michael hall crytal viper riot v

CRYTAL VIPER's MARTA GABRIEL Performs A Star Is Born Hit "Shallow" With RIOT V Vocalist TODD MICHAEL HALL In Support Of Suicide Prevention; Official Video

Crystal Viper's Marta Gabriel has joined forces with Riot V's Todd Michael Hall to record a version "Shallow", the Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper hit from A Star Is Born. Watch a video below.

Says Marta: "I recorded many songs in duet in my life, but this one here, is very, very special. Todd Michael Hall , whom you mainly know as the Riot V singer, is not only a great friend of mine and a wonderful person, but also an incredibly talented vocalist. Few weeks ago we were talking about how great this Lady Gaga / Bradley Cooper song is, and that we should record it... And guess what, here it is!

"I'm very proud of how it sounds (special thanks to our producer Bart Gabriel , and sound engineer Rafał Kossakowski), but first of all, I hope it will bring a bit of attention to the problem which many people ignore... September was the suicide prevention month, however, the problem didn't disappear with the end of the month... It can be difficult to know when someone is struggling. Learn how to recognize the warning signs of a crisis, as it might happen to someone close to you. You can be the difference in getting them the help they need. Reach out for assistance. You are not alone."

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