DECAPITATED - “While We Are Not Perfect Human Beings, We Are Not Kidnappers, Rapists, Or Criminals”

September 14, 2017, 7 years ago

news black death decapitated

DECAPITATED - “While We Are Not Perfect Human Beings, We Are Not Kidnappers, Rapists, Or Criminals”

Polish death metal band, Decapitated, have issued an official statement defending themselves after a woman claimed she was gang-raped by all four members of the band in the bathroom of their tour bus after an August 31st concert in downtown Spokane, Washington.

“While we are not perfect human beings, we are not kidnappers, rapists, or criminals. As such, we strongly deny the allegations that have recently been brought against us. We ask that everyone please reserve their judgement until a definitive outcome has been reached, as charges have yet to be pressed. Full testimony and evidence will be presented in due time, and we have faith in that process.

“As there is uncertainty regarding a timeline for prospective proceedings and out of respect for fans and promoters, due to the severity of the claims, we have cancelled all planned touring.

“All social media platforms have been temporarily disabled as they have been used as destinations for defamatory and malicious remarks. We would like to point out that the statements in the published police report were given prior to an arrest. At that point, no member of the band was aware of an active warrant being issued.”

All four members of Decapitated - Michal Lysejko, 31, Waclaw Kieltyka, 35, Rafal Piotrowski, 31, and Hubert Wiecek, 30, were in court in Los Angeles on Tuesday (September 12th). They were arrested in Santa Ana for first-degree kidnapping charges on Saturday, after performing in the SoCal area. Since then, they have been jailed while awaiting extradition to Spokane.

Court records that were made public Monday said the band was on tour in Spokane, Washington at the time of the suspected assault, which allegedly took place after a concert on August 31st. They reveal the unidentified victim told police in Washington she was sexually assaulted in the bathroom of Decapitated's tour bus. The victim and her friend said they were invited for drinks on the bus, and the victim said she was then trapped in a bathroom as each band member took turns raping her while her friend watched. The woman was later taken to a hospital, and court documents said she had injuries consistent with being restrained.

In court, each band member took turns in front of a judge agreeing to be extradited to Washington. They all had a polish translator while a representative from the Polish consulate sat in the courtroom. The four band members were interviewed Thursday by Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office detectives and all denied having any involvement with the women. The Washington-based attorney representing the group did not immediately respond to calls from ABC7.

It could take up to 30 days until the accused band members are extradited.

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