DEMON HUNTER - Outlive Album Due In Spring 2017

September 15, 2016, 7 years ago

news heavy metal demon hunter

DEMON HUNTER - Outlive Album Due In Spring 2017

Seattle-based metal band, Demon Hunter, announce their next album, Outlive, with the following statement:

“It’s been a long time coming… Ladies and gentlemen, we bring you the eighth Demon Hunter album, Outlive. We’ve been quietly working on this record for most of 2016, and we’re very excited to finally bring it to the surface. There's still got a ways to go, but we’re giving you the opportunity to join us as we finalize every aspect of its release.

“We’ve partnered with PledgeMusic, not only to give you the ability to pre-order the album NOW, but to get updates and announcements throughout the remainder of its creation. Over the next few months, we’ll be releasing more album artwork, details on each of our special edition items, lyrics, track listing, songs!, behind-the-scenes access on music videos and photo shoots, and more.

“As always, infinite thanks to all of you that give us the opportunity and determination to keep pushing on, 15 years running.”

Outlive is expected in spring 2017. Check out the band’s PledgeMusic campaign at this location.

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