DESPITE - Synergi Album Artwork Revealed; Title Track Streaming

May 12, 2016, 8 years ago

news heavy metal despite

DESPITE - Synergi Album Artwork Revealed; Title Track Streaming

Sweden’s Despite has revealed the cover artwork and details for their upcoming album, Synergi which will be released worldwide via Eclipse Records on July 22nd. Synergi contains thirteen powerful songs of progressive, melodic death metal produced by Oscar Nilsson (Engel) at Crehate Studios. The cover artwork was designed by the band’s singer Peter Tuthill, and it perfectly captures the album’s concept as a whole.

Vocalist Peter Tuthill explains, "Synergi touches many subjects that we feel need more attention in this harsh world that we inhabit. Every song has a meaning, and they’re all pieces of the big jigsaw puzzle, so to speak. The title Synergi isn’t just the Swedish spelling for the English counterpart Synergy. Synergi puts the self, the “I” in the bigger picture. We chose to do this to signify that every single individual on this planet is a cog in the greater machinery. For change to happen, we all need to start thinking along the same lines, without borders. There’s no racial divides, no genders; there’s only humanity. We need to start taking care of our world, ourselves, and the other species we live alongside, before it all goes BOOM."
Despite features three guitarists, each playing on eight-stringed instruments tuned a full octave below standard guitar tuning (drop-e), and just like a ten-ton hammer from the metal gods themselves, Synergi will obliterate you with crushing rhythms, technical melodies, and emotionally moving, complex song structures which may be heard in the title track below:

The album is already available for pre-order via iTunes and Amazon (widget below). Either option comes with the songs “As You Bleed” and “Time Lapse” as instant grat tracks. The album is also available via Google Play.



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