DEVIN TOWNSEND Releases Acoustic Instrumental Track "Good Morning!" (Quarantine Project: Part 4)

March 21, 2020, 4 years ago

news devin townsend heavy metal

DEVIN TOWNSEND Releases Acoustic Instrumental Track "Good Morning!" (Quarantine Project: Part 4)

Devin Townsend was forced to cut his Empath Vol. 1 North American Tour short due to the Coronavirus pandemic, putting him in a financial tailspin like so many of his peers that have been forced to do cancel tours, gigs and events. He set up a GoFundMe campaign earlier this week in an attempt to cover the lost revenue and had surpassed his $50,000 goal as of this writing.

Townsend also launched what he dubbed his Quarantine Project, featuring the release of new music. He has checked in with the following update:

"Hey! Good morning, quarantine friends =) Today, it's just an easy jam I did with my good friend Kat Epple. This is just something nice to drink your morning tea or coffee to =) Take care, see you tomorrow."

Check out two previous Quarantine Project tracks below.

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