EDDIE VAN HALEN Talks Golf - "If You Really Want To Be Good You Have To Spend The Time, Like I Did Learning To Play Guitar"

January 23, 2019, 5 years ago

news hard rock eddie van halen van halen

EDDIE VAN HALEN Talks Golf - "If You Really Want To Be Good You Have To Spend The Time, Like I Did Learning To Play Guitar"

Van Halen News Desk reports that Van Halen guitarist Eddie Van Halen gave a rare interview with Golf Magazine for the February 2019 issue, and explained what he thinks about playing golf.

"Naw. I'll hit a good ball and then two bad ones," says Eddie. "I don't even keep score, man. What's the point? I know it's going to be in the hundreds. The worst thing is my putting. The thing is: practice."

He continues: "If you really want to be good you have to spend the time, like I did learning to play guitar. That's how many hours you got to put in if you really want to be a pro or really, really good. You got to go out there and hit buckets and buckets and buckets of balls."

A full transcription of the interview can be found at Van Halen News Desk.

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