FEAR FACTORY Guitarist DINO CAZARES "About Halfway Done" Writing Solo Album; Video Interview

January 29, 2018, 6 years ago

news fear factory dino cazares heavy metal

FEAR FACTORY Guitarist DINO CAZARES "About Halfway Done" Writing Solo Album; Video Interview

This past weekend, Fear Factory guitarist Dino Cazares attended the NAMM show in Anaheim, California where he was interviewed by Heavy New York. In the video below, Cazares provides a progress report on his as yet untitled, upcoming solo album.

"I'm working on a new solo record. I'm about halfway done. Once I get done with the writing, I do want to get a drummer and, of course, a bass player and, of course, a singer. But I like to write the music and have stuff ready to go before I actually pick the musicians who I want to come in and maybe collaborate a little bit later on, or add a little bit of their flavor. It depends on who I get."

"I don't really like to stray from what I normally do. People know me as being a heavy artist, people know me for my right hand. I'm not exactly the kind of guy who's gonna go out and try to do a rock album or a hip-hop album or nothing like that. No country record, nothing like that. I like to do what I do. Metal's in my heart and speed riffing is my thing, and that's what I love to do. I'm not saying it's gonna be the 'same ol', same ol'.' Of course I'm going to try to take it to somewhere different, but people are gonna know what to expect from me, and I'm okay with that."


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