Former ANNIHILATOR Frontman Aaron Randall Surfaces In WRECK-DEFY

April 4, 2018, 6 years ago

news heavy metal wreck-defy annihilator

Former ANNIHILATOR Frontman Aaron Randall Surfaces In WRECK-DEFY

Wreck-Defy are currently working on their sophomore album, the follow up to 2017's debut Fragments Of Anger.  Former Annihilator frontman Aaron Randall, who sang on 1993's Set The World On Fire, is now the lead singer for Wreck-Defy and guitarist/chief song writer Matt Hanchuck and Aaron have been demoing material since February.  

Ten songs have been selected for the next album which currently has a working title of Remnants Of Pain.  The drums are all completed for the album and were done by Angerhead drummer Dave O'Neal.  The album will be mixed and mastered by legendary metal producer Juan Urteaga from Pacheco California at Trident Studios.  Juan has produced such legendary bands as Machine Head, Testament, Vicious Rumors and Heathen among many others.  Wreck-Defy who are currently signed to Greek label Alone Records are aiming for a late 2018 or early 2019 release date.

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