Former ELUVEITIE Drummer MERLIN SUTTER Comments On Being Fired - "An Incredibly Sad Time For Me, But It Is A New Beginning As Much As An Ending"

May 8, 2016, 8 years ago

news eluveitie heavy metal

Former ELUVEITIE Drummer MERLIN SUTTER Comments On Being Fired - "An Incredibly Sad Time For Me, But It Is A New Beginning As Much As An Ending"

Swiss folk metallers Eluveitie recently checked in with some sad news, revealing the band has splintered following the firing of drummer Merlin Sutter. They have posted an official statement explaining the situation, which can be found here. Sutter's statement, originally posted here, can be read below.

"I’ve been asked to leave Eluveitie, and I am joined by my friends with whom I shall continue my musical journey, Anna Murphy and Ivo Henzi. The decision to leave was not mine, and those who took it might not understand it any better than my friends, who were not given the opportunity to debate it. It is most certainly even harder to understand, and impossible to judge, for anyone else.

This is an incredibly sad time for me. But it is also one of opportunity, rather than defeat; a new beginning as much as an ending. It is a time to reflect on what I've achieved with Eluveitie; on my errors, of which there were many, and of my successes, of which there is an equal number (and I'm proud of both).

Twelve years, 6 studio albums, some 890 shows, 46 countries, 6 continents. Thousands of miles on the road and in the air. Thousands of hours of always putting every ounce of energy into my drumming. The best of times, and the worst. And, most importantly, an incalculable number of the most amazing fans in the world, from a range of places and cultures few ever have the privilege to experience. I left school with nothing but the determination to play the drums, on stage, around the world - with no plan whatsoever for how to achieve my goals, nor any reasonable likelihood of success. I joined Eluveitie just after my 18th birthday; I saw my chance, I took it, gave it everything, and I made the best of it. It's been the ride of a lifetime, and I regret nothing. Taking part, and often charge, of building Eluveitie to what it is today, is what I consider my life's work so far - but it shall also be only the beginning.

Eluveitie as you know it is unquestionably the product of the talent, energy, and relentless efforts of a group of people, too many of whom are now leaving. Yet Chrigel Glanzmann, whose role in creating the opportunity provided to me I would like to recognise, will continue on his path just as we will on ours. The music you love will evolve and branch out, and I encourage you to look forward to it.

In the meantime, Anna, Ivo and I will give it everything on stage one more time, for and hopefully with you, while completing the current world tour in Asia and Australia as well as our last European shows in May and early June. The last show in Switzerland takes place in Basel on June 3rd, and our final show with Eluveitie will follow the same weekend at Fortarock Festival in Holland.

What matters most to me in all of this is that in my departure I am joined by my best friends, my fellow musicians and travellers, Anna and Ivo; two people who have been at the heart of Eluveitie's music and will be at the heart of, rather than just part of, anything they will touch in their future. Together we've carried the torch for over a decade, and have grown a bond that can weather any adversity. Our musical journey together is far from over - we are, in fact, working on new music as you are reading this. I am beyond excited to explore what's next, and I hope you feel the same way. Without your support we would have achieved nothing, and we are eternally thankful for it. If you would like to continue supporting us, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like - we will share news about our future projects as soon as they are ready. In fact, following our official channels is the most certain way to be among the first to hear new music.

For now, I'll quote one person who was wiser than I am, and one who's tougher:

'Choose not to be harmed -- and you won't feel harmed. Don't feel harmed -- and you haven't been.' (Marcus Aurelius)

And, perhaps less pretentious:

'Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn.' (Most recently Conor McGregor, after taking a beating)."

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