Former MEGADETH Guitarist JEFF YOUNG Offering Guitar Lessons Via Skype

December 31, 2016, 7 years ago

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Former MEGADETH Guitarist JEFF YOUNG Offering Guitar Lessons Via Skype

Former Megadeth guitarist Jeff Young, the host of online radio show Music Without Boundaries, is now offering guitar lessons via Skype. Details are available below. 

Young recently checked in with the following update:

"When I set out to create this video, I was going for a simple 'highlights reel' from some memorable live shows over the past few years. What I didn't expect, was the poignant trip through so many emotions, faces and treasured times. To most, this will just be another video to skip over in their newsfeed but to me, this video features some of the very best moments of my life.

Every exceptionally gifted musician, every face in the crowd you see and hear in this video are the threads of the tapestry of my life. Many of the most valuable lessons I've learned, flowed from these experiences. I am grateful to and humbled by everyone that's crossed my path, even to exchange a breathe of energy, music, positivity... LIFE!

It was only a few years ago when I decided to embark on my 'Don't call it a come back' - after the death of my folks from cancer, my own cancer, a not so festive divorce, lawsuit with a crooked contractor, etc., etc.

As I sit back, watching this finished edit, I can't believe my good fortune. Despite the challenges and permanent white water conditions of being a creative spirit & 'gypsy' musician in our current era... I feel like the richest man alive, to still be doing the one thing I love & have been enjoying since I picked up the viola in first grade - exploring & sharing the healing energy of sound and universal potential of MUSIC!

Thanks for taking the time to read this & enjoy the video with best wishes! It's merely hand-held, crowd filmed footage but hopefully, the spirit of the proceedings transcends.

I apologize, that I have yet to get a more polished and formal release out to you but it seems a $240,000 rug has recently been yanked out from under me. You can imagine, that has pretty much sunk my battle ship - this was money I worked very hard for. It also represents all the lost years when I disappeared from the music scene. Not gonna lie, the past few months have been brutal but I'm a survivor... I'm endeavoring to keep a positive outlook and allowing for the mystery.

To this point, I've been funding all the recording, touring and assorted costs and was hoping to at least finish the album before seeking crowd funding but here we are.  

If you enjoy the vibes and wish to help me take the recording projects I currently have on the table to the next level, your deductible and secure donation is much appreciated. To help please go to this location and check out the many rewards we are offering."

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