Founding MORGOTH Guitarist Carsten Otterbach Passes

December 3, 2018, 5 years ago

news black death morgoth

Founding MORGOTH Guitarist Carsten Otterbach Passes

Founding Morgoth member Carsten Otterbach (also Direct Management) has passed away at the age of 48. The guitarist can be heard on 1991’s Cursed, the highly under-rated followup Odium (1993) and 1996’s Feel Sorry For The Fanatic

Century Media co-founder Robert Kampf writes on his Facebook page.

“With a very heavy heart I learned that a close friend of 28 years, Carsten Ottbach has passed. Carsten had a decade long battle with MS (Multiple Sclerosis). While he was a trooper and battled it hard for a long time it was one of those battles that eventually take you down. I will always remember Carsten as a very sharp minded, well read, business savy and at the same time very fun loving, tolerant, simply great guy. He will always live in my heart. 

Carsten fought very hard for his artist and was honorable as it gets. Legendary are the fights between my late partner Oliver Withoeft and Carsten. The 2 of them fighting was scary if you were in the room but always a fun story afterwards. Both were good friends and unfortunately did not make it to age 50. Farewell Carsten, you will not be forgotten and held in very high acclaim by your friends and by several generations of metal artist.”

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