FRANKIE BANALI - GoFundMe Campaign Launched To Assist With Medical Expenses In Battle Against Pancreatic Cancer

April 29, 2020, 4 years ago

news frankie banali heavy metal

FRANKIE BANALI - GoFundMe Campaign Launched To Assist With Medical Expenses In Battle Against Pancreatic Cancer

Quiet Riot drummer Frankie Banali recently issued the following message, a year on from his Stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

Frankie: "One year ago today, on April 17th, 2019 while at the emergency room I was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer that had spread to my liver. The prognosis was six months to live. Today marks the one year anniversary.

"I have guarded optimism for the future while understanding that for this deadly cancer the survival rate is only 10% for 1 to 5 years. Nonetheless i am very grateful to be alive. Without my wife Regina Banali I wouldn't have made it this far. This is not an exaggeration, but rather the truth. Thank you for everything you do for me which is everything 24/7/365.

"My thanks to my multitude of doctors and nurses both at Kaiser & private clinics. Last, but certainly not least, to all of you for your messages of love & prayers which means the world to me. Believe me when I say this journey has not been easy. Together let's see where this road leads to."

Since then, Banali's friends Peter and Eden Beckett launched a GoFundMe page to assist in paying Banali's medical expenses, issuing the following statement:

"Frankie has been determined to beat it since he was diagnosed. He has undergone 17 rounds of chemo so far, and several palliative procedures to ease symptoms and has been able to make it past the one year point and even continue playing with the band. It has been a very difficult, painful and agonizing journey that is not nearly over. He has been getting second opinions, out of network follow up biopsies, infusions, and treatments of alternative therapies that have kept his body strong enough to withstand the chemo. This endeavor has accumulated a mountain of medical expenses and now with the pandemic canceling or postponing the entire spring touring season he now being hit financially from the other side as well."

Fans are invited to contribute if they are able to on the official GoFundMe page here.

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