GEOFF TATE Talks Being Misunderstood - "I Think Often Times People Mistake Confidence For Arrogance"

March 15, 2017, 7 years ago

news geoff tate queensryche operation: mindcrime heavy metal

GEOFF TATE Talks Being Misunderstood - "I Think Often Times People Mistake Confidence For Arrogance"

The Great Southern Brainfart recently spoke with Operation: Mindcrime / former Queensrÿche frontman Geoff Tate about his recent Whole Story Acoustic Tour and his parting of ways with Queensrÿche. Following is an excerpt from the interview.

Q: If you could sing for any band for just one night, which would it be and why?

Tate: "Oh wow.  That’s a hard question to answer (laughs). I would say that if I could sing for YES, that would be incredibly intoxicating to be surrounded by that music being played.  The music is very complex and there’s a lot to it that I would find challenging.  Also, the level of musicianship is exceptional and I would be comfortable in that group.  Being able to sing with people who could sing like those guys do with the harmony structures that they have in place would be very satisfying.  There’s really nothing like singing harmonies with people especially when you have a group of people harmonizing.  It’s just so incredible to get all of those voices working together in concert and singing the right note at the right time in the right phrasing; ending and starting together. It’s just fantastic."

Q: What is one misconception about Geoff Tate that you would love to put to rest?

Tate: "Well, I don’t really know what a misconception is because I rarely read about myself so I don’t always know what people think [laughs].  I’ve heard people call me arrogant and I don’t agree with that.  I think I’m confident in what I do and I’m confident in my ideas.  Maybe people aren’t used to that.  I think often times people mistake confidence for arrogance.  Another thing, Don, that’s kind of unusual is that when I performed the Operation: Mindcrime 1 & 2 albums several years ago, it was kind of like a stage play presentation.  I was acting the character.  That character is not me.  That character is a fucked up individual who’s life has been completely tormented.  He’s a victim, he’s killed people, and he’s an addicted personality.  He’s nothing like me.  I think people in the audience sometimes thought that was me so yeah, who would like that character?  (Laughs)  I think it can be confusing for people and I can see how that would happen." 

Read the complete interview here.

Multi-cam footage of Tate performing Queensrÿche’s classic, “Take Hold Of The Flame”, on February 23rd at The Token Lounge in Westland, MI has been uploaded by George Pogacich. Watch below.

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