GEORGE LYNCH - "Back In The DOKKEN Days, It Was All A Big Mystery To Me"

August 14, 2017, 6 years ago

news george lynch dokken lynch mob hard rock

GEORGE LYNCH - "Back In The DOKKEN Days, It Was All A Big Mystery To Me"

Lynch Mob’s new album, The Brotherhood, will be released on September 8th via Rat Pak Records. Check out an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) below, and pre-order the album at this location.

As part of the promotional activities for The Brotherhood, guitarist George Lynch spoke with Robert Cavuoto of Metal Rules; an excerpt follows:

Are you more comfortable now as a songwriter with Lynch Mob than you were in the '80s with Dokken?

George Lynch: "I would say I’m more complacent only because I’ve been doing it longer [laughing]. I feel like I have a set of tools, a better understanding of song structure, and what I’m trying to accomplish when I go to write a song. Back in the Dokken days, it was all a big mystery to me. I was sort of faking my way around trying to figure it all out. Typically it starts with a guitar riff which dictates the tempo or beat. Everything else follows that. But that’s not always the case; it can also depend on who I’m playing with. For example, I’m finishing up a CD with Cory Glover of Living Colour called Ultra Phonics and when we write everyone is all in. With KXM it’s also everybody writing together as dUg and Ray are both throwing stuff out there. With Lynch Mob, Dokken, or Sweet & Lynch it’s more guitar driven starting with the guitar which is more of a traditional way of writing for me."

On the CD cover for The Brotherhood; you and Oni (Logan, vocalist) are either super cold or someone is shooting over your heads in the background? What’s going on in the photo?

George Lynch: "It was really cold. We shot all day out in the high desert. It was Spring time; it's fine during the day but that was the last photo at the end of the day. We were up at 3,500 to 4,000 feet, and it was windy. Once the sun started to go down, it was bone chilling."

To read the complete interview, click here.


“Main Offender”
“Mr. Jekyll And Hyde”
“I'll Take Miami”
“Last Call Lady”
“Where We Started”
“The Forgotten Maiden's Pearl”
“Until the Sky Comes Down”
“Black Heart Days”
“Black Mountain”
“Dog Town Mystics”
“Miles Away”
“Until I Get My Gold” (bonus track)  


“Main Offender” video:

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