Guitarist MARTIN BARRE On Former JETHRO TULL Bandmate IAN ANDERSON - "We Have No Connection Musically, Physically, Mentally Or Emotionally"

May 2, 2019, 5 years ago

news classic rock martin barre jethro tull ian anderson

Guitarist MARTIN BARRE On Former JETHRO TULL Bandmate IAN ANDERSON - "We Have No Connection Musically, Physically, Mentally Or Emotionally"

Martin Barre played guitar with Jethro Tull until 2012, later pursuing a solo career. Barre will play a concert celebrating 50 years of Jethro Tull's music this Saturday during RoSfest, the prog rock festival that moves to Sarasota this year.

Speaking with Sarasota Herald-Tribune ahead of the show, Barre discussed the 50 Years Of Jethro Tull show and the band’s history.

Asked if he and Ian Anderson talk at all anymore, or are they just letting each other go their separate ways, Martin reponds: "Yeah, I think the latter. We get the odd email but it’s usually about 'I’m putting this music together, I need to credit the right songwriter,' so he’s asking me if I wrote a piece of music. Maybe get an email maybe once every six months, but no, it’s an amicable diversion, a permanent one. We have no connection musically, physically, mentally or emotionally - not for any nasty reason, but just because I and he are in totally different places musically and with what we’re doing. I’m doing a different show to him, there’s no comparison at all. And I’m not saying one’s better than the other, I’m just saying that there’s no musical comparison, we’re in different places. And I’m happy to be independent. I’m playing more guitar, I’m playing the songs that I want to play and I’m making the decisions that I think are correct."

Read the complete interview at Sarasota Herald-Tribune.

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