HEADSTONES Frontman HUGH DILLON On Live Shows - "People Come To See What's Changed, And Then They Realize It's Better Than Ever"

June 3, 2016, 8 years ago

news headstones hard rock

HEADSTONES Frontman HUGH DILLON On Live Shows - "People Come To See What's Changed, And Then They Realize It's Better Than Ever"

Hugh Dillon, frontman for Canadian rock veterans Headstones, is featured in a new interview with Soundcheck Entertainment. An excerpt is available below.

SE: Is it nice to be more in the independent world now, maybe where you don’t have a record label breathing down your neck to be on tour or pumping out a new album and things like that?

Hugh: "Yeah, but it’s not even a record label.  You know people just vilify record labels, when the truth is most bands would love to have a record label because they are somebody who covers a lot of the costs.  But, for us, because we go back such a long way it’s just like the independent days in terms of it’s really driven by how much you want to do. We have hardcore fans. That’s what it really comes down to. The kind of band we are and the time we have spent being in this band and from the early days on, those live performances back in the day echo in people’s minds because thats why they come back again and again. And about 5 years ago when we got back together, people come to see what's changed and then when they realize its better than ever and there are new songs and new records, it’s just a power house now. We are a machine now, so I think people then come back again and then they remember why they were fans in the first place.  They remember 'Fuck yeah, I love this band'. And when they come and see the band and it’s not just people who, well not to belittle anyone else, but we fucking go. It’s a fucking prize fight." 

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Drummer Dale Harrison recently announced he was leaving the band. Following is his official statement:

"It is with mixed emotion that I announce my departure from the Headstones drum chair to make way for other endeavors. It has been a 22 year adventure that has now come to a close for me with the band."

"In May ‘94 I was recruited to tour Picture Of Health, record and help finish the second album Teeth & Tissue; after the departure of Mark Gibson - the drummer who helped craft the first disc. I was accepted as the new member by our fans and have been the drummer ever since. It is my hope that Headstones fans will show whomever replaces me the same respect I’ve enjoyed ever since. In 2003 after 9 ½ years of hardcore touring and five albums later the Headstones took a much needed hiatus. In 2011 we reunited and continued to hammer out our brand of chaos to incredible audiences and played slews of awesome gigs across Canada and bordering US cites. During that time we also accomplished production of two fresh albums and a 12" vinyl single.

I will always reflect on this time in my life with great pride but I feel it is now time to move on and follow my own aspirations. I wish the best to the boys in the band whom I’ve called brothers for many years. I will miss the team at Bernie Breen management who were and will always be like family to me. Perhaps one day our schedules will align again! Until then, adios amigos! All the best! Be well! Oh and stay tuned folks for what projects I've got coming up! PVTA!"

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