HEIR APPARENT Launch Kickstarter Campaign For Graceful Inheritance Remix Project

February 2, 2015, 9 years ago

news heavy metal heir apparent

HEIR APPARENT Launch Kickstarter Campaign For Graceful Inheritance Remix Project

Heir Apparent guitarist and songwriter Terry Gorle has issued the following:

"In August of 2013, I recovered the original 24-track master tapes from the Graceful Inheritance recording sessions of 1985, as well as the demo recordings of 1987. The tracks have been successfully transferred to digital format. We now have the opportunity to take one of the most highly acclaimed underground power metal albums of all time, add bonus material, and give it a modern professional treatment none of us could have imagined was possible until now.

We have been approached by world-renowned engineer/producer Neil Kernon to take on this project, and we are incredibly flattered and excited to hear what can be done to bring these tracks into the digital age. We also look forward to what the future will provide in performing to support the final product of this effort in its 30th anniversary.

With a goal of simply breaking even on the expenses and rewards, we want to take advantage of this amazing opportunity Neil Kernon has offered us to finally realize what this album can be for our incredibly dedicated fans.

What happens if we exceed the $16,000 remix goal? We'll be in the position to offer stretch goals. If the donation level reaches $24,000 by February 28th at 8:17 PM (PST), 2015, we'll be able to confirm availability for two major concert festivals in Greece and Germany in 2016."

Visit the Kickstarter campaign site here.



Terry continues: "Here's a bit of my history as it relates to Graceful Inheritance:

I am a guitarist/songwriter, and I founded the band Heir Apparent in 1984. We recorded a self-funded demo in 1984, and also self-funded the first half of the recording of the Graceful Inheritance album in 1985. We signed with an independent label based in France, Black Dragon Records, who provided a $5000 advance that allowed us to finish the remainder of the album later that year. Graceful Inheritance was released in Europe in January of 1986. Reviews from the European press were very positive. We received radio play for three songs on the album, and toured Europe in May/June of 1986. In September of 1986, Graceful Inheritance became the first album ever released on CD by an independent label in Europe. We accomplished quite a bit without management or a US label in those years, but never got the attention so many fans feel was deserved.

Although Graceful Inheritance remains the highest rated album in the 30 year history of Rock Hard magazine, and is ranked at #188 in "The Best of Rock & Metal - Top 500 albums of all time" (ISBN 3898805174), enforcing contracts, copyrights, and publishing rights internationally as an independent band was next to impossible in those days. Consequently, the band never received income from any of the three Black Dragon associated pressings of the album.

Today, it's not about the financial issues that cause so many bands to dissolve. This is about giving an underground classic some new life.

If you're already familiar with Heir Apparent, you're the reason we're here. If you aren't, but you're a fan of Iron Maiden, Dio, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, or power metal in general, this may just be the best album you've never heard.

This is our chance, and your chance, to write a new chapter and inspire a new album.



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