HELHEIM Premier “Baklengs mot intet” Music Video

January 5, 2017, 7 years ago

news black death helheim

HELHEIM Premier “Baklengs mot intet” Music Video

Norwegian Viking metallers Helheim are launching the year by giving fans the first taste of their upcoming ninth full-length album, landawarijaR, which is scheduled release via Dark Essence Records on January 20th.

The band has revealed the first of two videos by Guilherme Henriques, which illustrate tracks from the album. The first video is for the track "Baklengs mot intet", and this will be followed by "Ymr", which will be revealed at a later date.

The video for "Baklengs mot intet" stars Helheim, Fernando Leiras, Pedro Roquette and Marina Oliveira, and was directed by Guilherme Henriques. First Assistant on the project was Catarina Rocha and lights by Kirsti Rosseland. Makeup by Joana da Silva and Florisa Nogueira.

Talking about the ideas behind the two videos, Helheim had this to say: "The videos, "Baklengs mot intet" and "Ymr", give the best illustration of the concept behind the new Helheim project, landawarijaR. Whilst the theme of "Ymr" is about defining yourself through Norse arts and works - making the metaphorical climb of Yggdrasil in other words, the theme of "Baklengs mot Intet" describes the inner battle, the bottomless despair and endless futility experienced by a Walker of the Way. "Ymr", therefore, describes the ascent and the letting go from the top, whilst "Baklengs mot intet" describes the fall and its possible implications.

"Through these songs Helheim are continuing their exploration and modern interpretation of the darker aspects of the North-European pre-Christian culture, capturing the spirit of the Norse heritage in ways that have eluded both researchers and archaeologists".

"Baklengs mot intet" itself is also available as a digi single on iTunes, on Tidal, and on Spotify. The track is available for immediate download for anyone pre-ordering either the CD or LP version of landawarijaR from Bandcamp.

LandawarijaR will contain seven tracks, all of which bear the hallmarks of Helheim's traditional Norse heritage. A heritage of which they are rightly proud and to which they have remained true, eschewing the temptation to turn themselves into the Viking parodies that so many bands have espoused. With landawarijaR, Helheim use their lyrics to express the need to include the Norse Heritage into modern life by emphasizing the importance, mystery and never-changing wonder of the Runes.

Just as Helheim's raunijaR followed in the same vein as its predecessor Asgards Fall, landawarijaR continues where Heidindomr ended. All four albums incorporate the use of timpani and horns, and the new album also has a number of artists performing guest vocals including William Hut, Morten Egeland (Narrowhead), Pehr Skjoldhammer (Alfahanne), Bjornar E Nilsen (Vulture Industries, Black Hole Generator) and Ottorpedo.

With music by by H'grimnir and V'gandr, lyrics by V'gandr and artwork by H'grimnir, landawarijaR was recorded at the Conclave and Earshot Studios in Bergen, and produced by Bjornar E. Nilsen (Vulture Industries, Black Hole Generator) and mastered by Herbrand Larsen (Enslaved).

Tracklisting for landawarijaR is as follows:

"Baklengs mot intet"
"Rista blodørn"
"Synir af heidindomr"

landwarijaR will be available on CD, vinyl and digital formats, and is now available to pre-order, along with related merchandise, at Dark Essence Records, Bandcamp, and at the US webstore, here.

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