IRON MAIDEN Frontman BRUCE DICKINSON Calls Out Unruly Fan During Adelaide Show; Fan-Filmed Video Posted

May 15, 2016, 8 years ago

news iron maiden bruce dickinson heavy metal

IRON MAIDEN Frontman BRUCE DICKINSON Calls Out Unruly Fan During Adelaide Show; Fan-Filmed Video Posted

On May 12th, Iron Maiden perforned at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre in Adelaide, Australia. During the band's set, frontman Bruce Dickinson called out an unruly fan towards the end of "Fear Of The Dark".

Check out the fan-filmed video below with Dickinson addressing the culprit at 6:57 into the song, saying "To the gentleman in the front with the Raiders shirt on. Yeah, you, being restrained by a couple of very friendly fans. Just fucking calm down, all right, will ya? Otherwise you will be exiting. Pick a window. I hope you like hospital food. Give me the fucking finger, mate. You fucking come backstage and I'll fucking sort you out myself. Cunt!"

In other Maiden news out of Australia news, Adelaide’s Steve Radeski credits an Iron Maiden t-shirt for saving his life.

Alone, stranded and bleeding profusely after a horrific accident, Steve Radeski had only minutes to live — but heavy metal saved his life, reports The Advertiser.

In August 2014, Radeski had a serious motorcycle crash at Woodside, which ripped his leg off. With blood pouring out of his body, he didn’t have long to live. But thanks to passer-by Bill Gaythwaite and his favourite Iron Maiden t-shirt, Radeski is alive to tell the tale.

“There was no one around and a returned soldier from Afghanistan turned up after he heard the accident,” Radeski explained. “My leg had come off totally and the bones were coming out of my hand. It was a compound fracture of the femur so that took the femoral artery out.

“I only had about six minutes to live and he came up after about four minutes and he was wearing a 1985 Iron Maiden tour shirt which he’d had since he was a kid. He was a tragic fan but looked at me and realised that he would have to use it as a tourniquet which stemmed the blood flow until the helicopter arrived.

“Iron Maiden saved my life.”

Read the full story and check out more photos at The Advertiser.

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