JOE LYNN TURNER On DEEP PURPLE's Slaves And Masters Album - "It Is The Kind Of Record That Stands The Test Of Time Very Well"

June 1, 2016, 8 years ago

news joe lynn turner hard rock

JOE LYNN TURNER On DEEP PURPLE's Slaves And Masters Album - "It Is The Kind Of Record That Stands The Test Of Time Very Well"

In a new interview with music writer Joel Gausten, legendary hard rock vocalist Joe Lynn Turner (Rainbow, Deep Purple,Yngwie Malmsteen) discusses a number of topics including the new album by his Sunstorm project, his longevity in the music industry and his current relationship with his former Rainbow/Deep Purple bandmate Ritchie Blackmore. An excerpt from the chat appears below:
Gausten: Much has been made in the press about your comments about Ritchie Blackmore’s new incarnation of Rainbow, while a recent statement from Ritchie (found here) was very complimentary towards you and your work in Deep Purple. How would you best characterize your current relationship with him?

Turner: "We do not talk in person or on the phone, mostly due to our schedules. We send messages through email, mostly through his manager because that is the way he likes it and I respect that. I was very pleased and humbled by his kind words about how I should have been inducted (into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) also, and he has often said Slaves and Masters is one of his favorite Deep Purple albums."
Gausten: Hindsight seems to have been very kind to the Slaves And Masters album, with many fans discovering or re-discovering it as time carries on. Why do you feel the album keeps growing in popularity year after year?

Turner: "The strength of the songs and musicianship keeps it alive. It is the kind of record that stands the test of time very well."
Gausten: Of all your many past musical projects, which ones would you like to create new music with if given the chance?

Turner: "Most all of them... but Rainbow, Deep Purple, Malmsteen and Hughes Turner Project (HTP) would be great to resurrect. I do not think it will ever be possible. but I also always say, never say never."
Gausten: What has been the key to your longevity in this industry?
Turner: "I think maybe my diversity and passion. I am able to write and sing all genres of music and all sub-genres of rock music...melodic, metal, name it! And my passion also drives me. I am so grateful to be able to make a living doing what I love. Not everyone in the world can say that. Of course, I have to mention that the fans keep me going as well. As long as they want me to continue making music, that helps drive my passion."
The complete interview is available here.

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