JOURNEY Drummer DEEN CASTRONOVO Presents $10,000 Donation To Oregon High School In The Wake Of 4-Alarm Fire; Video Available

April 16, 2015, 9 years ago

news journey deen castronovo hard rock

JOURNEY Drummer DEEN CASTRONOVO Presents $10,000 Donation To Oregon High School In The Wake Of 4-Alarm Fire; Video Available

On April 15th, Journey drummer Deen Castronovo presented a $10,000 donation to a high school in Albany, OR in the wake of the April 1st fire that destroyed concert band instruments and sheet music. Check out the report below courtesy of Portland's

Castronovo grew up in Salem, and was a high school band member himself.

“That was the only reason I stayed in school. I was terrible in every subject except band,” Castronovo joked on the phone with Fox 12 recently.

Castronovo is out of state on tour, but when a longtime friend from Salem told him about the fire he knew what he had to do. “I called my wife and asked her if we could do this and if she'd be on board with me,” he said.  “And instantly we (agreed) – yeah, it's the right thing to do.”

Check out a video report below and read more at this location.


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