JUDAS PRIEST's ROB HALFORD "Would Be Dead" Without Sobriety

October 13, 2016, 7 years ago

news judas priest rob halford heavy metal

JUDAS PRIEST's ROB HALFORD "Would Be Dead" Without Sobriety

Judas Priest vocalist Rob Halford, and guitarist Richie Faulkner were recently interviewed at The Rock And Roll Fantasy Camp in Los Angeles by Keith Valcourt of The Washington Times. The pair talked about sobriety, longevity and the future of Judas Priest; an excerpt follows:

Q: Rob, what part has sobriety played in your longevity?

Rob Halford: "Without it? Oh, I’d be dead. Literally, I would be dead. I wouldn’t be here. The place where I got to, the next step, was lost. I love people. I love being in a band. I love making music. I had to figure out that was way more important than being addicted."

Q: What is next for Judas Priest?

Richie Faulkner: "We’re writing a new record this year. As we speak, really. We have already had a writing session in England earlier this year. We have another one coming up later this year. The focus is on a new record."

Rob Halford: "Then road work to support the record. That’s the life really isn’t it? You write. You record. You play. And it never grows old. The future looks great."

To read the interview in its entirety, click here.


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