KIP WINGER Discusses WINGER’s Pull Album From ’93 - “In Many Ways That Was The Birth Of The Band”; Video

November 28, 2016, 8 years ago

news hard rock winger kip winger

KIP WINGER Discusses WINGER’s Pull Album From ’93 - “In Many Ways That Was The Birth Of The Band”; Video

Kip Winger is featured in a new interview with In the excerpt below, he discusses the band’s third album, Pull, released back in 1993 via Atlantic Records. My personal favorite Winger album is Pull.

Kip Winger: “Still? Wow!: Yeah… and it will always be. I remember back in the day it wasn’t that popular, MTV didn’t play so much the videos.

Kip Winger: “No, it didn’t. Those were the Dark Ages for Winger. We were uncool!” Maybe commercially… maybe you were uncool from a commercial standpoint but as an artist wasn’t it something special for you? I mean, you expanded your horizons with that album.

Kip Winger: “Absolutely! That was a great album. In many ways that was the birth of the band because the first two records were the outcome of the relationship I had with Beau Hill; the producer. That was a 10-year relationship. There were things that happened on the first couple of records that were absolutely fantastic. But there were also some things in there that didn’t quite represent who we were as a band. When the third album came and I was able to work with a couple of different people, I was able to refocus the sound of the band back to what I originally hoped for in the beginning. Add to that the fact that we were better as songwriters, better as lyricists…it was kinda like the perfect storm for us. Also, we had some really bad press at the time and the pressure was really on so we had a lot to prove. So all those things kinda found a way into the album and made it what it is.”

Read the full interview and check out video footage at

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