KISS’ GENE SIMMONS Wonders Why People Care What Rock Stars Think About Politics - “The Last Thing I Want To Do Is Ask President Obama What He Thinks About LED ZEPPELIN”; Video

December 30, 2016, 7 years ago

news hard rock gene simmons kiss

KISS’ GENE SIMMONS Wonders Why People Care What Rock Stars Think About Politics - “The Last Thing I Want To Do Is Ask President Obama What He Thinks About LED ZEPPELIN”; Video

In a new interview with FOX News’ Fox & Friends, KISS singer/bassist Gene Simmons addresses the inauguration rejection rumors, saying the band was never invited to perform.

He also can’t figure out why people care what rock stars think about politics. “Why does anybody give a squat what a guy in a band thinks about, or anything like that? The last thing I want to do is ask President Obama what he thinks about Led Zeppelin."

On whether KISS were invited to perform at next month's inauguration, Simmons says, “Nobody ever called me. I know Donald Trump. I know our president-elect well enough I suppose, but I never got a call.”

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