KITTIE Back In The Studio With Producer Siegfried Meier; Video Available
December 14, 2014, 10 years ago
Photos and video posted on Kittie's official Facebook page here indicate the band is back at producer Siegfried Meier's Beach Road Studios recording new material. No details are available at the moment, stay tuned for updates.
Kittie vocalist/guitarist Morgan Lander checked in with the following update this past summer:
"A few things: First, thanks to London Groove Machine for speaking to me for this interview. I really appreciate the opportunity, and would love to do it again. I want to say I am truly humbled at the outpouring of support I have received from friends, peers and random strangers in discussing both the future of the band, our decision to try new things on the careers front, and the dialogue it has opened up about success and the state of the industry, among other things. Let it be known that it hasn't been easy, but sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is needed for personal growth. I feel like we can now do Kittie right, and choose when and how we want to tour and write, out of love once again and not out of necessity. I never thought this interview would gain the visibility it did, but I am glad we were able to talk about the topics we covered and bring a number of issues to light. Thanks to J.W. Huff!"Following is an excerpt from Lander's interview with Lonodon Groove Machine:
LGM: What’s the status of Kittie right now?
Morgan: "The status of Kittie is kind of complicated. The last full tour that we did was summer of 2012. However, we did do one show last year in Toronto. Right now we’re sort of … I don’t want to say we’re on hiatus, because we technically are still talking about things, working on things, thinking about potential shows, ideas for the future. I guess, to put it plainly, it came to a point where doing the band full-time became too much financially, especially touring in the States. There just isn’t enough demand or money for us to support ourselves fully with the band. We haven’t broken up or anything like that. It’s just we decided that focusing on other career choices were equally as important at this time."
Kittie launched an IndieGoGo crowd-funding campaign earlier this year to support their planned documentary DVD and biography:
To check out the IndieGogo crowd funding campaign in support of the project, go to this location.