KITTIE / THE ALCOHOLLYS Drummer Mercedes Lander - "Don’t Play By The Rules; No Successful Person Ever Did And It's Way More Fun To Be A Rebel"

October 15, 2014, 9 years ago

news kittie the alcohollys heavy metal

KITTIE / THE ALCOHOLLYS Drummer Mercedes Lander - "Don’t Play By The Rules; No Successful Person Ever Did And It's Way More Fun To Be A Rebel"

Canadian drummer Mercedes Lander (Kittie, The Alcohollys) is featured in a new interview with Fierce Magazine. An excerpt is available below:

Q: Were there any catalysts that motivated you to take your destiny into your own hands?

Mercedes: "It’s funny because there was really never one thing. For myself it was more like a chain reaction of events that set everything in motion, and as I said earlier I was always running around acting crazy anyway so I was more or less just being myself.  Although, playing Canadian music Week in 1999 made us realize that things were becoming super serious, we really didn’t have a defining moment."

Q: What are the top three hurdles, road blocks, speed bumps or epic failures you encountered on your journey to where you are today? Did any of them almost stop you?

Mercedes: "I would think being a woman in general, being young and being inexperienced were the three biggest road blocks for us. Because of these three factors it was very hard in the beginning, and even now, to be taken seriously.  Although I think being women and being super young also helped us a lot as well, so its a double edged sword."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Kittie vocalist/guitarist Morgan Lander checked in with the following update this past summer:

"A few things: First, thanks to London Groove Machine for speaking to me for this interview. I really appreciate the opportunity, and would love to do it again. I want to say I am truly humbled at the outpouring of support I have received from friends, peers and random strangers in discussing both the future of the band, our decision to try new things on the careers front, and the dialogue it has opened up about success and the state of the industry, among other things. Let it be known that it hasn't been easy, but sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is needed for personal growth. I feel like we can now do Kittie right, and choose when and how we want to tour and write, out of love once again and not out of necessity. I never thought this interview would gain the visibility it did, but I am glad we were able to talk about the topics we covered and bring a number of issues to light. Thanks to J.W. Huff!"

Kittie recently launched IndieGoGo crowd-funding campaign to support their planned documentary DVD and biography:


To check out the IndieGogo crowd funding campaign in support of the project, go to this location. Go to Kittie's Facebook page here for updates.

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