LEE AARON - Metal Queen Now The Ice Pack Queen

June 12, 2015, 9 years ago

news lee aaron hard rock

LEE AARON - Metal Queen Now The Ice Pack Queen

"Wow, things continue to progress beyond my expectations," says Canada's Metal Queen, Lee Aaron, in the latest update regarding her forthcoming new album. "I’ve been working with John Webster on overdubs – which are all finally done – and we are now onto the mix stage. I love mixing because you finally get to see the big picture after micro-focusing on all the nuancy bits for weeks. Kinda like having the whole delicious cookie after eating half the bag of chocolate chips just because they tasted so good.

I’ve been blessed beyond belief so far in that I’ve been able to work with some incredible talent on this recording. From the amazing musicianship of my band (Sean Kelly, Dave Reimer and John Cody – and yes folks, it is indeed a band: real musicians playing real parts in real time in a real studio!) to engineer extraordinaire Ben Kaplan (Mother Mother, Hedley) to the accidental, but brilliant, pairing with John Webster. I like a person who will entertain my craziest ideas (and not laugh) as well as contribute a few mad scientist moves themself.

Things should be wrapped up and moving on to mastering by the month’s end, at which point we’ll be looking at options to deliver it to you guys… which brings me to a question: What do Lee Aaron fans want? Downloads, hard copies, vinyl, hand written lyrics, demos? Let us know in the comments section and we’ll see if it’s do-able.

BTW, the only thing not possible at this exact juncture in time (so hopefully next month) are new photos and/or video – well, at least not with my current mug, due to a fluke injury (baseball to the face to be exact – trust me, Newton couldn’t have calculated the trajectory physics of this one more precisely!) resulting in a broken nose and two giant shiners. ‘Ice Pack Queen, duh, duh’ … stay tuned…."



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