MANOWAR Bassist JOEY DeMAIO Says The Band Is Not Calling It Quits - "People Had The Wrong Idea About The Final Battle Tour"

March 8, 2020, 4 years ago

news manowar heavy metal

MANOWAR Bassist JOEY DeMAIO Says The Band Is Not Calling It Quits - "People Had The Wrong Idea About The Final Battle Tour"

Summa Inferno spoke with Manowar bassist Joey DeMaio prior to the band's March 14th appearance at the Hell & Heaven Metal Fest in Mexico City. During the chat, DeMaio clarified that the band has no plans to call it quits even though their last tour was called The Final Battle tour.

DeMaio: "People had the wrong idea about The Final Battle tour. When we announced the name of the tour, people immediately thought, 'Oh, no. They're gonna break up. They're gonna stop forever,' which, that was never the intention. The intention was for sure to take a break for some time because we're working on a big rock opera, and I mean musical rock opera; however you wanna look at it. But it's gonna be a big epic story, and so that takes time. We can't put that together like that. And the last EP, songs that were released, will be part of this massive big epic story. So when we announced that, there was a confusion and people thought, 'Oh, no.' But that's not the story. We're here in Mexico for the first time, but not the last time."

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