Massachusetts General Hospital Vice Chairman Of Neurology DR. RUDOLPH TANZI On Performing With AEROSMITH And JOE PERRY - “Music Provides Immediate Gratification”

December 30, 2016, 7 years ago

news hard rock aerosmith joe perry

Massachusetts General Hospital Vice Chairman Of Neurology DR. RUDOLPH TANZI On Performing With AEROSMITH And JOE PERRY - “Music Provides Immediate Gratification”

Dr. Rudolph Tanzi of Milton may not want to quit his day job just yet as Massachusetts General Hospital’s vice chairman of neurology and director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit, reports The Boston Globe. Or his teaching gig as professor at Harvard Medical School.

But he has a fallback: Tanzi plays occasional keyboard on Aerosmith albums, and also records music for the band’s guitarist, Joe Perry. Their friendship started after meeting on a 2009 photo shoot for Perry’s “Rock Stars Of Science” program, which raises money for disease research.

“It’s just something I do on the side,” Tanzi said. “I do books and research, and that takes years. Music provides immediate gratification; you put out a track and listen to the results, it’s immediate. It’s a great feeling.”

His work for Perry is on an as-needed basis, Tanzi said. Perry is doing a new album in Los Angeles, and Tanzi is working on that, and will also work for Aerosmith when called upon. In the past, he’s also played with Iggy Pop and Zak Starkey, he said.

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