MASSACRE Join Forces With Extreme Management Group; New Lineup Announced; New Album Due In 2020

December 16, 2019, 4 years ago

news black death massacre

MASSACRE Join Forces With Extreme Management Group; New Lineup Announced; New Album Due In 2020

Veteran Florida death metal band, Massacre, have joined forces with a new management team, Extreme Management Group, and have begun work on a new full-length album to be released in 2020.

The band would also like to welcome new drummer Jeramie Kling (Venom Inc., The Absence, Goregang) and Taylor Nordberg (The Absence, Gorgang) on guitar. In addition, this album will be the first to feature original bassist Michael Borders, as well as its first recording in 23 years to feature original vocalist Kam Lee (ex-Death, ex-Mantas).

Vocalist Kam Lee stated about returning to the band and the new lineup: “I understand for some fans that it’s hard to not be a bit jaded about a band with such an ugly history, but that is all finally about to change. I’m now in a place in the band where I’m in position to do what is right by the band’s
namesake and legendary status quo. Plus, having both Jeramie and Taylor join is the best thing for the band. These members bring a sensibility and professional mindset that the band was lacking before and so urgently needed. Their talents and skill set is a refreshing and positively right
direction for the band. I’m excited and looking forward to what Massacre will be doing next, and only hope the fans are just as excited.”

Massacre has begun recording its fourth studio album at Kling/Nordberg’s own Smoke &Mirrors Productions in Spring Hill, Florida. You can view a teaser video featuring a demo of a new song, entitled “Cycle Of The Curse”, below.

On the new music’s sound, bassist Michael Borders had to say: “We’re really stoked that Taylor and Jeramie decided to come on board. I really think it’s a good mix of new blood into our sound. While there will be no doubt when you hear the new material you’re listening to Massacre, fans
will know these recent changes were for the better. We’re giving these guys free reign to be themselves, do their thing, not clone sounds and styles of past members.”

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