MASTODON Manager NICK JOHN Battling Pancreatic Cancer; Band Members Issue Statements

September 4, 2018, 6 years ago

news heavy metal mastodon nick john

MASTODON Manager NICK JOHN Battling Pancreatic Cancer; Band Members Issue Statements

It was recently announced that Mastodon had cancelled their tour with Dinosaur Jr. and Netherlands, "due to a critical situation of a member of the Mastodon family." The tour was scheduled to kick off on September 1st in Edmonton.

Mastodon vocalist/guitarist Brent Hinds and drummer/vocalist Brann Dailor have since posted messages of support for their manager Nick John, who is currently battling pancreatic cancer.

Says Brent Hinds: "The most kind and beautiful being is in need of very strong amazing vibes more than a ever! My friend and manager @nickjzoso who is mainly responsible for Mastodon's success has been stricken with pancreatic cancer and has been fighting so hard that he is withering away and taking a little bit of me with him."

Brann Dailor states: "Help send all the power and love of the universe to our dear friend and manager Nick John. I don’t know where Mastodon would be without him. He is absolutely integral to the success we have achieved as a band not to mention one of the best people you’d ever hope to meet. We all deeply love and care for him. Send your love his way. Thank you."

(Photo - Jimmy Hubbard)


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