METALLICA’s Video Thank You - “Slane Castle Has Been Rocked..And What An Unbelievable Vibe”

June 9, 2019, 5 years ago

news heavy metal metallica

METALLICA’s Video Thank You - “Slane Castle Has Been Rocked..And What An Unbelievable Vibe”

Last night Metallica performed at Slane Castle in Meath, Ireland to over 75,000 adoring fans. The band remarked: “Ireland! Thank you for making it an unbelievable night at Slane Castle!”

Check out a ton of live photos here and a video thank you below:

Drummer Lars Ulrich issued his own personal thanks on Instagram saying:

“Slane Castle has been rocked..and what an unbelievable vibe!! As incredible as we were told to expect...the second we stepped on stage and took it all in, the Irish fans, the castle, the bowl like setting, we knew this was other worldly. What a privilege and an honor to play this legendary venue.. Thank you Lord Henry for having us, and thanks to everyone who came from near and far! All 75.000 of ya...WOW!! Let’s not wait another 10 years Ireland.”

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