MILKING THE GOATMACHINE Release Second Video Trailer For Upcoming Milking In Blasphemy Album

December 29, 2016, 7 years ago

news heavy metal milking the goatmachine

MILKING THE GOATMACHINE Release Second Video Trailer For Upcoming Milking In Blasphemy Album

German grindcore goats, Milking The Goatmachine, will return with a new album next year. Inspired by diabolical black metal music, the album is entitled Milking In Blasphemy, and will be released on March 31st via NoiseArt Records.

Today, the band presents the second trailer for the upcoming record. Two trailers can be found below.

The band states: "Now a year has past since our psychiatrist Carl Gustav Leid ordered us to take a break. We followed this strictly. But this was a mistake… the voices in our heads are rioting and we have lost the control about ourselves. We are sputtering with ideas and energy. The new album is in progress and this will be the freakiest and simultaneously most diabolical what we have released so far."

Stay tuned for more info.

Trailer #1:

Trailer #2:

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