Montreal's ENDAST Announce Final Shows

February 23, 2015, 9 years ago

news heavy metal endast

Montreal's ENDAST Announce Final Shows

All great things must come to an end. One of Montreal's most iconic DIY metal bands, Endast, have called it quits.

Since their birth in 2004, the band's career has spawned four albums (The Promise EP (2005), Odds Against Tomorrow (2006), Black Cloud (2011), Thrive”(2014), a DVD release Where I Belong (2012), 600,000kms for over 1300 gigs, countless tours across Canada and the US that included festival appearances at Heavy MTL and TO and not to mention the many notable bands Endast bled the stage with.



Before their end, Endast will be performing their last shows in the following cities, which includes their hometown of Montreal, QC.


17 - Montreal, QC - Foufounes Electriques
24 - Ajax, ON - Rotilicious
25 - Hamilton, ON - Absinthe

Vocalist Big James comments: “Well, as these things so often go, the band was on shaky ground after the recent departure of our guitar player Pepe. His departure sparked a lot reflection and discussion on behalf of the remaining members in the band about where we are in our lives. Some of us have other goals outside of the band we'd like to accomplish. The amount of touring we do makes it prohibitive for some of us to accomplish those other goals and so a decision was made to close this chapter in our lives. We all care for each other a great deal and there are no hard feelings between any of us. Some of us will continue to make music together. All of us will continue to make music on some level or another.

We will be playing three final shows together. If we could, we would do one last full tour but unfortunately that isn't in the cards. We are doing our hometown of Montreal, for obvious reasons. We are also hitting the town of Ajax, Ontario because we have a special relationship with that town and the intimate nature of the shows we play there will make it extremely memorable. Lastly, we will be ending it all in the city of Hamilton, Ontario...chosen not only because of our amazing history there, but also its geographical proximity to other towns we love so much. Hopefully some people will drive the 30-45 minutes from those other nearby towns to come party with us one last time.

Pepe has agreed to come back on board for these final shows and we will be playing material spanning the career of the band. We're very excited to end things on a high note with everyone.”

Guitarist Chris Arsenian also comments: “When I started this band over ten years ago the thought of how far it would take me or what we would accomplish never entered my mind. All I knew is that I had this undeniable urge to write and play music and share it with as many people as possible, a drive to constantly push forward and never look back. Trying to find the right group of guys that share that same feeling was no easy task. Over the years Endast has been lucky enough to have had some amazingly talented members. Some came and went and others stuck along for the ride. Now as this chapter comes to an end, I look at what we have accomplished as independent artists and it truly amazes me. I want to thank the guys in Endast for their hard work and devotion. Too all the fans, friends, sponsors and promoters: you all played an even bigger role in helping us accomplish these dreams. You fueled the fire. I want to thank you all for booking us all over North America, coming to our shows, buying our t-shirts and records, for supporting us through our best of times and our hardest of times. You helped make everything we wanted to do a possibility, and for that I can't thank you all enough. Cheers everyone, to one hell of a decade.”


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