MORGOTH Return From Battle; Resume Work On New Album

October 9, 2014, 9 years ago

news black death morgoth

MORGOTH Return From Battle; Resume Work On New Album

Returning from a glorious tour with Bolt Thrower, German death metal pioneers, Morgoth, check in with the following update:

"The European tour with Bolt Thrower ended three days ago. We’re back from a fantastic trip and returned to the so called "reality". We are still impressed by all the support we experienced by all of you out there. We would like to thank everybody who was involved in making this tour such a massive success. Now we’ll continue working on the new album... Thank you all and see you in the pits!”

After the band’s victorious reunion in 2011 and the release of the “God Is Evil” single (their first studio release in 18 years), Morgoth are now working on their new album, Ungod, that is planned for a release in spring 2015. Stay tuned.



Upcoming shows:


8 - Brescia, Italy - Circolo Colony (Hellbrigade Fest V)
28 - Bucharest, Romania - November To Dismember Metal Fest


17 - Dippoldiswalde / Dresden, Germany - Break The Silence Festival


20 - Bergen, Norway  Blastfest


Morgoth lineup:


Marc Grewe  Vocals

Harry Busse  Lead & Rhythm Guitars

Sebastian Swart  Rhythm Guitars

Sotirios Kelekidis  Bass

Marc Reign  Drums

(Photos - Evelyn Steinweg)

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