MÖTLEY CRÜE’s Vince Neil To Appear At Wizard World Comic Con In Tulsa

June 6, 2015, 9 years ago

news hard rock motley crue vince neil

MÖTLEY CRÜE’s Vince Neil To Appear At Wizard World Comic Con In Tulsa

Mötley Crüe lead singer Vince Neil will make his first Wizard World Comic Con appearance this fall in Tulsa, October 24th at the Cox Business Center. 

Neil joins Nathan Fillion (Castle), Ian Somerhalder (The Vampire Diaries), Bruce Campbell (The Evil Dead) and Sean Astin (The Lord Of The Rings) as headliners among the celebrities already committed to the second annual event, October 23rd-25th.

Wizard World Tulsa Comic Con is the 23rd of 26 events currently scheduled in the 2015 series produced by Wizard World, Inc. For more on the event, visit Wizardworld.com

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