New Music Digital Tech That Got Rock ’N’ Roll Rolling In 2020

March 25, 2020, 4 years ago


New Music Digital Tech That Got Rock ’N’ Roll Rolling In 2020

Rock 'n' roll has been around for about 7 decades and it’s still going strong. It might be getting a bit of help from technological advantages - but it’s still going strong, and most importantly - unshaped.

Even though the way we produce and consume music has changed - rock 'n' roll still has its soul.

It’s no secret that technology has been shaping every single industry in the world - but the latest tech gadgets in the music industry could make a huge change.
And down below, you can find out some of the best music gadgets that are going to support the rock 'n' roll industry in 2020.

In this article, we reviewed 4 Music Tech Trends in 2020:

Vocal Synthesis with Waves OVox
Korg’s Presence of Modular Synthesis
Streaming Platforms
MIDI 2.0

4 Music Tech Trends in 2020 

Streams Instead of Downloads

What once used to be vinyl tracks, and CD’s are nowadays online streams. Most of you still love listening to the newest 

music production on your laptop. However, like if this wasn’t enough - technology decided to take another step.

We have access to almost any song out there and all we have to do is download them and store them on our smart devices.

But in this age and time, music platforms that give users the ability to stream all of this music with the help of internet connection are the newest approach.

MIDI 2.0

MIDI was one of the biggest advancements in music technology, including the rock 'n' roll industry - and now we’re pleased to see MIDI 2.0 adopting well in among the new technology.

It’s compatible with all gear that has been compatible with MIDI 1.0, and yet it now offers two-way conversation along with profile configuration and higher resolution.

This results in more controllers and better timing. Needless to say, this is probably one of the best additions for future-proof rock ’n’ roll bands.

Even if you’re a start-up rock ’n’ roll band, you won’t have a hard time building your own studio at home with a gadget such as MIDI 2.0.

Technology has allowed a lot of new advancements - and even though rock 'n' roll lived in the era of really basic and raw equipment - the new rock 'n' roll stage is now a lot modernized with the following tech trends.

Vocal Synthesis with Waves OVox

Waves OVox is the newest and probably the best addition for rock 'n' roll singers who are open to creative possibilities of the modern world we’re living in.

Even though vocal synthesis isn’t very new - Waves OVox that comes with the most impressive voice processor is the main benefit.

It can be used as a plugin or standalone app and it has the ability to produce & provide 6 different typical effects.

But where this vocal synthesis excels at is the built-in eight-voice synth which really expands the opportunities for rock 'n' roll singers.

Korg’s Presence of Modular Synthesis

Korg reinvented the limited-edition full-sized MS-20s which now come in custom colors, but it also features RK-100 S@ Keytar and Wavestate synths.

It’s re-built on a Volca FM Engine and it has all controls a true rock ’n’ roll band would need to keep on rocking - such as the six operators and a 32 algorithm FM synthesizer.

It’s a faithful recreation of the iconic three-oscillator instrument so it shouldn’t be anything new to the old-school rock 'n' roll stars, other than an improved version.


Do you think that rock 'n' roll won’t be the same with all of this technology being available?
Not all technology is bad but we believe that rock 'n' roll stars and bands will choose wisely to remain the soul of rock 'n' roll intact.
What do you think? Leave a comment!

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