NIKKI SIXX Goes Deeper With SLASH - "I Lost The '90s"

January 1, 2018, 6 years ago

news nikki sixx slash

NIKKI SIXX Goes Deeper With SLASH - "I Lost The '90s"

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash sat in with Mötley Crüe / Sixx:A.M. bassist Nikki Sixx and Jenn for the final two shows of Sixx Sense, and midway thru the interview, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry joined the conversation.

My Favorite Riff ends on a high note - in the last episode bassist Nikki Sixx (Mötley Crüe, Sixx:A.M.) sits down with his good friend Slash (Guns N' Roses). They talk about their shared love for Aerosmith, learning Led Zeppelin riffs, and the joy of being a musician.

Watch the episode below:

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