June 5, 2019, 5 years ago

news ninth circle heavy metal


Los Angeles melodic metal band Ninth Circle recently parted ways with drummer Dave Davis, and they have announced Richie "Captain Black" Brooks as his replacement. 

“Richie is someone we knew and were aware of given he attended many of our shows and helped us move equipment many times,” says Frank Forray. “When Dave left the band we put feelers out everywhere for a replacement. I remember hitting Richie up if he knew anyone and he recommended himself! That blew me away because I knew he played bass, guitar and keyboards, but I must have never listened to the drummer part! When he said he was a drummer there was no doubt he was instantly top of the list of people we were talking to and wanted to audition ASAP!”

"I was surprised as well that Richie played drums !" Dennis adds.  "We went through the formality of having an audition but it turned into our first rehearsal together.  By the second song, it was crystal clear that Richie fit the bill perfectly.”

Frank goes on: “Obviously we’ve known Richie for a while and as soon as I mentioned his name to Dennis it was a serious no-brainer! We always have a good time hanging with Richie and now that he’s in the band I can’t think of better fit; he’s a great fun guy to hang with and he’s an incredible drummer! We’re stoked to have him as part of the Ninth Circle family!”

Brooks: "I'm not exactly sure when the first time I saw Ninth Circle play but there was such a great professionalism and feel about the band. It just drew me to them. Great vocals, bass, guitar, drums, it had it all for me. Then the next time I saw them, I bought The Power Of One and Legions Of The Brave. I was just as blown away as I was when I first saw them! From then on, I started to go to more shows and wanted to get to know the guys. I was 'jonesing' to jam with them in ANY capacity. On several occasions I suggested we get together and jam. Then during their recording process of this upcoming CD, I didn't hear from them in while. Then out of the blue I got the Facebook message that would change my life! They were looking for a new drummer!! Funny story - even after hanging out and talking music and helping them set up and tear down, I guess I never let them know what instrument(s) I play.

I'm absolutely humbled and stoked to begin playing with these guys and grow Ninth Circle!" 

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