OBITUARY Drummer Donald Tardy Sitting Out European Tour; MONSTROSITY's Lee Harrison Steps In

July 30, 2018, 5 years ago

news black death obituary donald tardy monstrosity lee harrison

OBITUARY Drummer Donald Tardy Sitting Out European Tour; MONSTROSITY's Lee Harrison Steps In

Obituary drummer Donald Tardy is sitting out the band's current European tour. Monstrosity drummer Lee Harrison has taken to social media with the following message:

"So tonight will be my 4th show (temporarily) playing drums for the mighty Obituary. Donald had some things going on at home that he needed to be there for. I'm honoured he called me to fill in but it was also pretty stressful having to learn the set in such a short time (3 days notice).

"Wishing Donald all the best and he will be back to his spot after this run so don't worry. I'm just glad I could be there for him and somewhat pull this off. I've got 3 more shows to do and things will be back to normal for me. lol. Tonight we rock Krakow Poland! Come out if you can!!"

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