Organizer HORST FRANZ Issues Statement On Length Of VINCE NEIL’s Bang Your Head!!! Performance - “A Mere Misunderstanding From Both Sides”
July 18, 2017, 7 years ago
Last weekend, BraveWords scribe Mark Gromen checked in from his annual pilgrimage to the Bang Your Head!!! festival in Balingen, Germany to report that former Mötley Crüe singer Vince Neil had performed an abbreviated set at the festival. He also revealed that Bang Your Head!!! organizer Horst Franz made a public apology for booking Neil from the stage.
Horst Franz’ public reaction to Vince Neil's shorter than expected headlining set last Friday night has attracted a lot of attention, including first media coverage featuring some, yet not all of what happened in Balingen, Germany.
First of all, it is correct that Horst Franz, reacting spontaneously to what he had witnessed and wondered about before, apologized in public to the crowd for the set length right after Vince Neil left the stage.
After a long and clarifying talk backstage, though, Horst Franz, Vince and his Manager could agree that the whole confrontation was based on misunderstandings due to different and not clearly enough settled views concerning the length and content of a typical European festival headlining set.
On Saturday, Horst Franz went on stage again to explain the latter to the crowd, adding that his conversation with Vince and his manager ended up in mutual agreement to resolve the dispute by taking the matter as it simply was and is: a mere misunderstanding from both sides.
Furthermore, he pointed out that after having settled this, both parties would like to work together again in the future.
Fan-filmed video from Neil's Bang Your Head!!! festival performance can be seen below: