Original TIGERTAILZ Vocalist STEEVI JAIMZ – “The Only Crime I Committed Is Bringing That Band Out Of The Bingo Halls And Working Man Clubs And Out To The Front”

January 22, 2020, 4 years ago

news hard rock tigertailz

Original TIGERTAILZ Vocalist STEEVI JAIMZ – “The Only Crime I Committed Is Bringing That Band Out Of The Bingo Halls And Working Man Clubs And Out To The Front”

80’s Glam Metalcast has uploaded a new episode with original Tigertailz vocalist Steevi Jaimz. Jaimz reveals his current projects and tells his side of the Tigertailz story.

On what he thought about what Jay Pepper said on the 80’s Glam Metalcast about the Young And Crazy album:

Jaimz: “I heard a bit of that podcast. Him saying that he wrote some of those melodies is out to shit. I wrote every song apart from ‘She’s Too Hot’ that went on that album. All the lyrics, melodies, the song titles, title of the album...it all came from me, from my brain. So I don’t know why he said he wrote some of the melodies. It kinda racks me off. There has always been a lot of back buying from him. They gave me the boot. A lot of people around the band were hating on me, and it still goes on today....which I find unfair. The only crime I committed is bringing that band out of the bingo halls and working man clubs and out to the front.” 

On the real story of why he was fired from Tigertailz vs. what Jay had said on the podcast:

Jaimz: “That I was fighting with journalists and got in a lot of scrapes? No that’s bollocks! Well some of it’s true. I upset some journalists. The one I vividly remember was at the Marquee. The guys in Tigertailz were egging me on to blow smoke in this guy’s face. So I took a big cigar and blew smoke in his face because he gave us an unfavorable review. I never punched any journalists...that’s an absolute lie! I may have upset a few because I was defending the band, and they were backing me up on it. It’s almost like they were setting me up to fall, like a scapegoat. The management and the record company Music for Nations, Martin Hooker the head of the company (he died recently) absolutely hated me. He had me in the office all the time. He was saying ‘This has gotta stop’. I told him we were getting publicity, selling records out of it. So we had done some demos, and the head of the label said they were a bunch of rubbish, and they had to get rid of me.” 

On if he would reunite with Jay Pepper:

“I emailed Jay and asked if he wanted to get together for a one off gig at the Borderline in London. We would have me, Ace, Jay, and Kim Hooker. We could do half the set of Young And Crazy and the other half Bezerk. We could do it for charity, because The Boy (Pepsi Tate) obviously had died. We’d give half to his cancer charity and the other half to a diabetic charity because I am a type-1 diabetic. He flat out said no. So I’ve tried. I figured after all these years, if you can’t put your differences aside for a one off charity gig, then there is no point asking anymore. You can only ask someone so many times.”

On what he thinks about the Bezerk album:

“You’re going to put me on the spot and make me sound like a bitter sod! When I got back together with Ace in 2003, he made me sit down and listen to it and asked what I thought. Aside from the single ‘Love Bomb Baby’ I didn’t know any of that record. I really liked ‘Love Overload’. It’s lifted from the Out Of The Cellar Ratt album. I like those kind of harder edged songs, but most of them were pretty weak. It was overproduced for the time, and it cost a shitload of money. I wish we had that budget when we did Young and Crazy. I did listen to, and I thought it was ok.” 

On if there any plans to do another solo album:

“Yes there is. They’re talking about it this year. We have been getting some stuff together. I have some songs written and health permitting, we’ll get it out this year.”

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