Phil Anselmo's EN MINOR Streaming New Song "Blue"; More Debut Album Details Revealed

June 16, 2020, 4 years ago

news heavy metal en minor phil anselmo

Phil Anselmo's EN MINOR Streaming New Song "Blue"; More Debut Album Details Revealed

En Minor, the "depression core" project of Phil Anselmo, will release their debut full-length, When The Cold Truth Has Worn Its Miserable Welcome Out, on September 4. Listen to the track "Blue" below.

En Minor comments on the track: “We picked ‘Blue’ to release first because it features the whole band, as some songs don’t have percussion. Also, the title of the record, When The Cold Truth Has Worn Its Miserable Welcome Out, is from a line in the song. Very fitting and haunting.”

An experimental and eclectic musical endeavor that finds Anselmo exploring a softer, graver vocal style, En Minor is an honest and deliberate change of pace delivering brooding tales of pain, regret, and sorrow. At once ugly and beautiful, En Minor features the collective talents of Stephen Taylor (Superjoint, Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals, Wovenhand, 16 Horsepower), Kevin Bond (Superjoint, Christ Inversion, Artimus Pyledriver et al), Jimmy Bower (Eyehategod, Down, Superjoint), Calvin and Joiner Dover (The Dover Brothers), and Steve Bernal (former first cellist in the Temple Symphony Orchestra).

When The Cold Truth Has Worn Its Miserable Welcome Out was recorded and mixed at Anselmo's Nodferatu's Lair Studio on the Northshore outside of New Orleans, Louisiana and will see release in North America on September 4th via Housecore Records with Season Of Mist handling the release in Europe and Ward Records handling the release in Japan.

For physical pre-orders head here. For digital orders, go here.


"On The Floor"
"Dead Can't Dance"
"Love Needs Love"
"Warm Sharp Bath Sleep"
"This Is Not Your Day"
"Black Mass"
"Hats Off"
"Disposable For You"


Pre-sale announcement video:


Philip H. Anselmo - vocals, guitars, bass
Kevin Bond - acoustic, electric guitar, bass
Stephen Taylor - guitar
Calvin Dover - keys
Joiner Dover - bass
Steve Bernal - cello
Jimmy Bower - drums
Jose Manuel "Blue" Gonzalez - drums (live)
Paul Webb - guitar (live

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