Quebec's Metal Scene Lends Its Voices To Video Game Creatures; Video

August 14, 2020, 3 years ago

news heavy metal quebec

Quebec's Metal Scene Lends Its Voices To Video Game Creatures; Video

Created in 2018 by Sébastien Croteau, Corinne Cardinal, and Jeffrey Mac Dermott, The Monster Factory launches its website today. From now on, video game and film companies will be able to hear their members' voices, learn about the productions they have worked on, and contact them directly.

Since 2005, their members have taken part in the audio creation and conception of hundreds of creatures. Their voices have been heard by millions of people around the world in productions such as:

-Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Eidos)
-Far Cry 5 (Ubisoft)
-Rainbow Six Siege: Outbreak (Ubisoft)
-Resident Evil 7 (Capcom)
-Thief (Eidos)
-Prince of Persia (Ubisoft)
-Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft)
The Monster Factory's greatest weapon? Female and male death metal singers.

Metal singers have the unique ability to produce unreal and organic sounds without having to resort to computer modifications. In addition to this, their training permits them to produce all kinds of guttural sounds without straining their voices. They are thus invaluable assets when recording this type of voice in the studio.

"In a world where video game and film companies strive to reach unparalleled levels of realism, the quality of the sounds we produce is still unmatched. Our talent pool, comprised of women and men, offers a sonic and textural diversity for all types of projects." says Corinne Cardinal

To showcase what they are able to do with their voices, the members of The Monster Factory shot their first video, entitled "Horde". Simulating a zombie attack, this short film will blow your ears off.

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