QUEENSRŸCHE Guitarist Michael Wilton Talks Band's Return To Popularity - "Reclaiming All The Territories Around The World"

February 9, 2015, 9 years ago

news queensryche heavy metal

QUEENSRŸCHE Guitarist Michael Wilton Talks Band's Return To Popularity - "Reclaiming All The Territories Around The World"

Queensrÿche guitarist Michael Wilton spoke with Ishibashi Music at NAMM 2015 in Anaheim, CA in January. He discussed the current status of the band and their forthcoming studio album:

Queensrÿche vocalist Todd La Torre is featured in a new interview with Music Enthusiast Magazine discussing the ongoing work on material for the band's forthcoming album.

La Torre: "The songs that we have right now are, I would say, melodic. There are some heavy tunes on there that are just, like, really rocking. I mean, some of the songs remind me, again, of Rage For Order, Operation: Mindcrime. We’ll probably slip in something that’s got a commercial - not that we’re trying to - something with a more commercial appeal, like the song ‘In This Light’ did on the record that I did before. But, overall, I’m hopeful that when it’s all said and done this record will have a really good drive, great, melodic choruses, great guitar parts, very dynamic. A little more prog. There’s a little more proggy elements…"

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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