QUIET RIOT Drummer FRANKIE BANALI Issues Update On Battle With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer - "Through It All I'm Still Beating The Drums Like They Owe Me Money"

May 16, 2020, 4 years ago

news frankie banali quiet riot hard rock

QUIET RIOT Drummer FRANKIE BANALI Issues Update On Battle With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer - "Through It All I'm Still Beating The Drums Like They Owe Me Money"

Quiet Riot drummer Frankie Banali, who is battling Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Banali's friends Peter and Eden Beckett recently launched a GoFundMe page to assist in paying his medical expenses, issuing the following statement:

"Frankie has been determined to beat it since he was diagnosed. He has undergone 17 rounds of chemo so far, and several palliative procedures to ease symptoms and has been able to make it past the one year point and even continue playing with the band. It has been a very difficult, painful and agonizing journey that is not nearly over. He has been getting second opinions, out of network follow up biopsies, infusions, and treatments of alternative therapies that have kept his body strong enough to withstand the chemo. This endeavor has accumulated a mountain of medical expenses and now with the pandemic canceling or postponing the entire spring touring season he now being hit financially from the other side as well."

Banali has issued the following update via Facebook:

"Thank each & everyone of you who have contributed to my health GoFundMe. Know that you are helping in me being able to continue my myriad of cancer treatments and prolonging my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To update everyone... as you can see, the chemo therapy has taken my hair and so many other things so many take for granted.

In the past six weeks I've spent three of those weeks in the hospital one week each time. The first due to a blood infection requiring a 6 hour blood transfusion. The second was due to a blockage of my gall bladder caused by the tumor in my liver. The third was due to a blockage of my stomach caused by the tumor in my pancreas. I had to have a tube inserted down my nose and throat into my stomach to drain fluid due to the blockage. I've had several medical procedures while hospitalized. I'm on a low fat liquid only diet which means that I have daily IV's for nutritional supplement along with IV's to bolster my immune system.

There's more but these are the highlights...

Chemo #20 is scheduled for Tuesday. Through it all I'm still working on my art and still beating the drums like they owe me money! I'm as positive as ever and each one of you are a part of why I continue to fight the good fight!"

Fans are invited to contribute if they are able to on the official GoFundMe page here.

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