RAVENSCRY Launch Crowdfunding Campaign To Film Music Video For "Noir Desire"

November 5, 2014, 9 years ago

news heavy metal ravenscry

RAVENSCRY Launch Crowdfunding Campaign To Film Music Video For "Noir Desire"

Ravenscry have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Musicraiser, in order to shoot the new video of the song “Noir Desire”, which has been chosen as second single from the album The Attraction Of Opposites. The campaign will last throughout November and the video release is scheduled by mid-December.

The video director will be Matteo Terzoli, who has decided to set the story in the '50s, with a noir atmosphere.

As for the rewards offered as prizes in exchange for the contribution of the fans, they go from the download of the album's digital version to the possibility of being one of the walk-on actors in the video, to spending a day with the band in Rome or Milan. And for the hardcore fans, there's the offer of a private party with a live performance by the band.

To learn more about the campaign visit this location.

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