Report: Young Heavy Metal Fans Are Five Times More Likely To Self-Harm Or Attempt Suicide

April 18, 2018, 6 years ago

news heavy metal

Report: Young Heavy Metal Fans Are Five Times More Likely To Self-Harm Or Attempt Suicide

Deccan Herald is reporting that metalheads in the city are surprised by the findings of a new study which claims that young heavy metal fans are five times more likely to self-harm or attempt suicide.

The study, conducted by researchers from the Universities of Manchester and Liverpool, found that groups belonging to alternative subcultures - which also include goths and emos - are at greater risk of hurting themselves.

However, the study has not been able to figure out why people listening to such genres are at risk. Reasons put forth range from a sense of alienation from society, victimization and stigma associated with belonging to these subcultures and a feeling that young people who have faced more adversity may be more likely to become part of a subculture.

Read the full report at

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