RUSH - Gibson Launches ALEX LIFESON Double Neck Guitar

December 21, 2015, 8 years ago

news rush alex lifeson

RUSH - Gibson Launches ALEX LIFESON Double Neck Guitar

Gibson Custom has announced the release of the Alex Lifeson Double Neck guitar, a hand-crafted replica of the iconic guitarist’s '70s Gibson Double Neck that can be heard on Rush tracks including “Xanadu” and “Vapor Trails”, reports Guitar World.

Created in close collaboration with Lifeson, the limited run of 100 EDS-1275s includes 25 that are personally signed by the iconic axeman.

After Lifeson acquired the Seventies Gibson Double Neck in 1976, it became a regular fixture on the road with him for Rush’s A Farewell To Kings tour from 1977 to 1983. The guitar has been with him ever since, making multiple appearances both on stage and in the studio. The new Gibson Custom model meticulously replicates the original.

Further details can be found by clicking here.

In other news, Rush frontman Geddy Lee has responded to bandmate/drummer Neil Peart’s “retirement” announcement from earlier this month.

Neil told Drumhead Magazine: "Lately Olivia (Louise, Neil's daughter) has been introducing me to new friends at school as 'My dad - he's a retired drummer.' True to say, funny to hear. And it does not pain me to realize that, like all athletes, there comes a time to... take yourself out of the game. I would rather set it aside then face the predicament described in our song “Losing It” (‘Sadder still to watch it die, than never to have known it’).”

Lee tells Prog magazine: “There’s really nothing to say. I think Neil is just explaining his reasons for not wanting to tour, with the toll that it’s taking on his body. That’s all I would care to comment on it.“

"We’ll get together eventually and chat about things. But in my view, there is certainly nothing surprising in what he said. Neil just feels that he has to explain with all the thousands of people asking, ‘Why no more tours?’ He needs to explain his side of it.”

Asked whether he feels Peart's quote was taken out of context, Lee adds: “I think that’s absolutely right. That’s their job. Talking about something when there’s nothing to talk about.”

Rush has uploaded their performance of instrumental classic "YYZ", taken from newly released DVD and Blu-ray, R40 Live.





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